Monday, 12 March 2012

A Poem - Strange Blue Pill (2012)

Take strange blue pill
To let me will
Or bind my will
To keep me still.

And large white pill
To still my will
I've had my fill
It makes me ill.

With strange blue pill
I can fulfill
My will to still
Gnaw of white pill.

That is my will
I've had my fill
That is my will
Just to be still.

(c) Tales of Seamus 2012


  1. And says the ICU nurse:
    He moves still
    Get the pill
    To squelch his will.

    With abject apologies to Seamus.

  2. Hahahaaa! Coming from a different angle there - no need to apologise, but you could write a poem about that kind of situation and nick my 'clever' rhyme scheme if you wanted! :)

  3. I read 'will' as wish, so...

    The blue pill will either bring back wishing and dreaming (I think we all need this in our lives) or it will calm the wishing, as too much of it is also bad, and when it does, it helps you get some peace. And then the white pill helps you maintain the effects of the blue pill, but blue pill is strong and could be very dangerous, so white pill is almost like a sign of hope after the rougness of the blue pill - the blue pill pulls, the white one keeps you at a certain level; if the blue pill pulls too far without the 'rest' of the white pill. So the blue pill kills the part that shouldn't be there, and white calms to your will, and then wishing is still - neither too hectic nor non-existant.

    How am I doing?

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention... It might not be pill as a pill, but pill could be a conversation with someone, while white is the conversation with yourself?

  5. Very interesting but...!!! The blue pill is a literal blue pill and the white pill is a literal white pill.

    I don't wish to elaborate too much at this point but the blue pill is a new one so changes things - so see if that makes more sense of it!

  6. Oh :) OK, so real pills.

    Hmm... If white one came first, was that the 'strong' one to 'break the ice'?

    Perhaps I should mention, for the sake of this dialogue that's evolving, I've never had trouble knowing my will - the good side is that I've never had your kinds of issues, the bad side is that when my will is taken it hurts a lot more; I know when we became refugees I had a much harder time coping with it than others around me. However, once I know what I want, there's a simple list of questions I go through (things like: will anyone get hurt? will this improve things? What can I expect? etc) to see the best path to get it. Then it's a question of applying myself and doing what has to be done, and my strong will helps there, but doesn't make it simple, just possible.

    So learning about this is new for me. I know of different characters, of mental 'disturbances', bad judgement, even bad people (I mean those who'll ignore that they just short an innocent child and claim they are right because they have some sort of excuse: God, country, whatever) but I think that's all different to this.
