Tuesday, 13 March 2012

A Poem - Sip (2006)

I see you sitting back,
That far and yet focused look in your eyes,
The smoke of a contemplative cigarette,
Floating gentle,
As the gentle sips I take of each one of your 

I see you sitting back,
Desire rushes in,
With its continual butterfly-winged surprise.
I see the sweetest dizzying,
Headiest wine of desire
Born in the narrowing reflection of your eyes.

(c) Tales of Seamus 2001 - 2012


  1. Let's face it, its only a question of time before I'll be leaving a comment here, so I might as well do it now :)

    I like this one. There's an air of heart and emotions in simple form. She sounds cool as well, the one that cought your attention - the focused look, contemplative smoke that sorounds her, her thoughts gentle, or at least they look that way, but her sighs give the impression there is more inside of her.

    And then, just one move from her, just leaning back, causes desire and butterflys in your gut, the dizzying and intoxication-like feeling, and of course she has an amazing look in her eyes, probably deep and thuoghtful.

    The poem may not be about love, my bet is, it isn't, but strong emotions.

  2. I like this simple, whimsical poem too - there's not a lot to explain but it is full of potentials for the imagination and emotions.
