Sunday, 18 February 2018

A Poem - Lion (2018)

As bold as the godly,
The Proverb sayeth,
Noble, royal
And strong.
In stateliness,
The Revelator's

Sung out
The stony centuries,
The Root of David
The Beast hath
Upon the heel;
The Beast can strike
No more.

Conquering Lion
Of the Tribe of Judah,
Open the
Seventh Seal.
To the Lion that is
The Lamb that was slaughtered,
All of Heaven

Sunday, 11 February 2018

A Poem - Peregrine (ii) (2018)

Rare, cooling air caresses me,
I soar on
Subtle currents,
The Vault of Heaven in flux.

Alone I soar, wings, tail, splayed,
Delicate instinct
Holds me on the axes,
Wild winds and I are one.

My yellow-rimmed eyes slowly
The flock below,
Deigning to encompass
In my keen sight
The straggler,
The weakling,
The fool.

I will cull you from your kind;
It is a kindness when weighed
In the balance
Set upon the great Axis of Life.

The hot yellow sunlight beats directly,
The light and I are one.
I am the striking beam that
Obscures the swift demise.
A sudden ecstasy!
I stoop!

And pierce the sky like an arrow
From out the golden sun.

Friday, 9 February 2018

A Poem - the Blackbird and the Peregrine (2018)

I dreamed a blackbird's
Song one day,
Close by a birch she

Sweet melodies
Then there was thou
And time was stunned 
And stilled.

Ye did not sing
But I well knew
The song
Heard in my heart,

Derived from out
The tenderness;
Thy beauty
Did impart.

No tick of clock,
No bustling flock,
And all but
Sweet desire,

To know
Just how
A kiss betwixt 
Would set the world afire.

And Oh! First kiss!
Sweet Lord! What's this?
The clarion trumpets

And fires burned fierce,
Two hearts were pierced;
The cherubim
They sang.

The Blackbird
And the Peregrine
Gave cry
With voices gay

And sang in
Perfect harmony,
For Love was born
That day.

A Poem - Always Give All the Heart For Love - this is alI I can remember so far.


Always give all the heart for love;
Pass over trouble; Love is.
Be fanned in your thoughts
By the wings of a dove,
Pass over trouble; God is.

A ring of clarion trumpets sound
When angels find that love has found
Our love has finally come around,
We dance upon most holy ground.