Tuesday, 2 January 2018

A Poem - Close Nestled in the Night (2004)

I have returned from sudden slumber's realm,
And deep into that land sojournèd I.

The draught of sleep it calls me, 'Cometh back!'
To wander 'neath the piercèd Firmament
Of the darkling sky.

Yet shouldst thou purpose to communion share,
From yonder balmy islands hedonist,
Put thee aside all anxious thought of care,

For rather of thee than slumber
Wouldst my brow receive
The blessing of
A tender

And how define that quality
All innocent yet graced
By reflected understanding
From within a simpler place?
Beyond the genesis of thought,
Before the birth of light
There was thou and I and love
Close-nestled in the night.

And how define that quality
That bypasses all mind,
That thou and I and love were once
Conceived by Heaven kind?

For the simple grace of seeing thee
Called remembrance to my heart,
That thou and I and love once more
Might be again one part.

And the wonder of that quality
Is its essence is so pure
That mind and body catch their breath,
Mute spirit is quite sure.

For wordless spirit knows it's own
From 'fore the birth of light;
For there was thou and I and love
Close nestled in the night.

A Poem - By Madness Rent (2004)

If life were set in simpler times,
Some mythic memory,
Fostered by the fondest dreams
My heart designed for thee,

Then days would come
When that which was
The air that let me breathe,
The balm that cooled my fevered brow
And calmed a mind that seethed,

Would flow into my breast again
And soothe my tender heart,
Then those that were by madness rent
Would not so cruelly part.

For what I dreamed
Was meant to be,
A simple, blessèd purity.

A Poem - Breakfast (2004)

Once upon a springtime morn,
My body sank into a yawn,
And what preoccupied me most
Was yearning for my tea and toast.

A Poem - He Wishes in Vain (2004)

How I wish I could behold
Just once before I go,
Your face soft set in sympathy
Forgiveness for my woe.

I wish I could excise that past,
A mind beyond control;
In vain are such desirings,
Fruitless yearnings of the soul.

A Poem - Hidden Bruises (2003)

A broken dream and one that's tarnished,
Gave release to birth of new
Dreams that slumbered never easy,
Dreams I dreamt I'd share with you.
Time has passed and passed so surely,
Yet, at times, my times are raw.
Surprised I am that sorely, sorely,
Hidden bruises wound me more.

A Poem - Happy I Rested (2007)

Happy I rested
As in my mind's flight,
I raised up my glass to thy
Dark eyed delight.
At the end of my workday
Thy countenance drew,
My dreams of sweet rest
And sweet longings for you.

Monday, 1 January 2018

A Poem - Firecrest (2017)

Fierce prince amongst the woodland alder boughs,
Winged fury how thy hovering endows
Thee with the keenest skill to pluck the fly
From out the web; The spider's clustered eyes
Are burning with reflections of it ire,
Reflections of thy burning crest of fire.

Prince of the birds thy intellect outflew
Most mighty eagle, all hold it is true.
Ye hid beneath the proudful eagle's tail,
There scheming that the rightful king be hailed.
For he who flew the furthest up on high
Would claim the orb and sceptre of the skies.

And when thy adversary stalled and tired
Ye leapt from out his tail and thus aspired
To gain the apogee and give the cry.
'I firecrest now am king amongst the wise.'